University of New Haven Alumni Magazine
We were tasked with redesigning the University of New Haven Alumni Magazine to capture the passion and creativity of the University’s students, faculty, and alumni. The redesign aimed to showcase their impact and influence on both the University and the broader world. Since its inaugural issue, the magazine has evolved into the University’s flagship publication, highlighting its significant contributions and achievements.
University of New Haven
Magazine redesign, and design of subsequent issues
Print, education, publication
Art Direction, Taylor Design
2022, Connecticut Art Directors Club, Excellence Award
2021, Connecticut Art Directors Club, Excellence Award
2019, Connecticut Art Directors Club, Excellence Award
2018, Connecticut Art Directors Club, Silver Award
Select Department Layouts
The Department system uses flexible grids, bold colors, and friendly typography to create vibrant layouts that speak to the community of the University.
Select Feature Layouts
Here are handful of some features over the last ten issues, which highlight impressive alumni, students, and faculty in the University community.
In the features section, we have flexibility with type, color, and layout to distinguish it from the department section. We have also collaborated with talented photographers and illustrators to make the features come to life.